Power of An Invite (II) | Pastor David Hawkins | March 24th, 2024

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Matthew 21:9-11 records Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy. Daniel’s prophecy pinpointed the Messiah’s arrival. Calculation suggests Jesus’s entry coincided with the prophecy. His arrival stirred the city, prompting questions about his identity. Such disruptions are divine interventions guiding us. Similarly, questions about Jesus persist today, demanding answers. Read More

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Matthew 21:9-11 records Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy. Daniel’s prophecy pinpointed the Messiah’s arrival. Calculation suggests Jesus’s entry coincided with the prophecy. His arrival stirred the city, prompting questions about his identity. Such disruptions are divine interventions guiding us. Similarly, questions about Jesus persist today, demanding answers. Understanding Jesus’s true nature transforms lives. He is recognized as the Son of God, Savior, and Lord. His significance transcends history, evoking reverence and worship.
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