RARE is Real Adults Really Empowered. We have events throughout the year at Living The Word Church and on the SIUE Campus.
Join us as we grow in Jesus, do life together, and empower each other to reach our brightest futures.
You (and your struggles) are safe with us. Build reliable relationships here.
Life’s tough. We get it. We’re on a mission to encourage you.
We’re in your corner, resourcing you for your future.
Prayer is how we connect with God, encounter His presence, and shape our faith walk.
LTWC has two prayer calls each week and prayer events throughout the year.
Sunday at 8:45 AM & Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Dial in at 618.663.3907 (no code required)
If you’re on Instagram, you’re the perfect fit for the Tag Team. When we share stories, we’ll add a hidden tag with your IG handle. When you see it, that’s your clue to re-share with your followers. Now, your friends can see where you’re going to get fueled up each week. You never know who may see your story and make a decision that changes everything. DM us and say, “I’m on the Tag Team!”
IG: @livingthewordchurch
Recapture what’s been stolen and overcome what’s holding you back. Get five actionable ideas from our Pastor, David Hawkins.
Get the FREE course now!
We're here to help you learn, grow, and thrive. Subscribe and get the Reclaim Your Life Video Course—five short, actionable videos from Pastor Hawkins. Then, stay inspired and up-to-date with everything going on at Living The Word Church. (We'll only email you when it really matters.)