Living The Word is a diverse and unified church in Collinsville, Illinois that helps burned-out souls find their healing, restart their fire, and make a difference. Our mission: Building victorious disciples of Jesus Christ.

Living The Word is a diverse and unified church in Collinsville, Illinois that helps burned-out souls find their healing, restart their fire, and make a difference. Our mission: Building victorious disciples of Jesus Christ.
We Value Jesus
Jesus matters to our daily lives.
We Value Application of Scripture
Teaching is for life-change.
We Value Growth
Real followers of Jesus grow.
We Value Community Groups
Growing larger and smaller at the same time.
We Value Service
Every member is a minister.
We Value Innovation
Changing methods … unchanging message.
We Value Unity and Diversity
Focusing on the things that unite us, not the things that divide us.
We Value People
People matter to God.
We Value Emotional and Spiritual Health
All of you are important to God.
We Value Integrity
A culture of love and honesty.
We Value Excellence
God deserves our best.
We Value A Graceful Community
Living in restoration.
We Value Teamwork
Working together towards one common goal.
We're here to help you learn, grow, and thrive. Subscribe and get the Reclaim Your Life Video Course—five short, actionable videos from Pastor Hawkins. Then, stay inspired and up-to-date with everything going on at Living The Word Church. (We'll only email you when it really matters.)